Easy Garden Décor With Tree Branches

When it comes to using natural elements for garden décor, most people think of landscaping with rocks. But, did you know that tree branches can be used to improve your garden decor? Yes, those hanging or fallen tree branches all over your garden can do much more than serving as fuel for your fire pit. In this post, you’ll find ideas for easy garden decors with tree branches.

3 Ways To Use Tree Branches To Decorate Your Garden

Stop letting those tree branches in your garden go to waste. Here are three ways you can repurpose them to decorate your garden.

1.     Build a Garden Arbor or Chair

You can build a simple garden harbor or lounge chair with tree branches and twigs if you love DIY projects. You don’t have to make it elaborate for it to be a beautiful addition to your garden. Just punch in some holes and nail the branches together to build the chair or arbor, and the rustic look will add charm to your garden.

2.    Provide Support for Plants

If you’re trying container gardening in the Pacific Northwest, you can construct a potholder for your pots or containers instead of just placing them on the ground. This will give it an elevated garden look. You can also construct a tree branch ladder to serve as a trellis for climbing flowers to twine around.

3.     Create Borders & Boundaries

You can use tree branches to build a picket fence to give your garden a rustic look. They can also be used to create boundaries around different parts of your garden and borders to protect specific plants. Furthermore, you can strip a couple of inches of the side of small branches to make a decorative plant marker. You can write creative names for your plants on the markers to add a personal touch to your garden.

Need more creative ways to decorate your garden? Contact us at Levy’s Lawn & Landscaping today!
