Many times, we’ve had people reach out to us asking what plants would thrive in the sunny and rainy Seattle climate. To put that question to a final rest, we’ve curated a list of some of the sun-loving plants for Seattle.

Top 5 Plants for Full Sun Gardens in Seattle

These plants will transform your yard into a beautiful garden with their colorful blooms radiating in the sunlight.

#1: Cranesbill

This is a blue-flowered geranium. It can thrive in partial or full sunlight. The great thing about the Cranesbill is that it is easy to grow and requires little to no maintenance.  It is also quite resistant to most pests and diseases.

#2: Rock Rose

This is not exactly a rose flower, but it has the same appeal as one. The Rock Rose colorful flowers can transform your landscape into a stunning space. Typically, its flowers come in shades of white, yellow, orange, and pink. The plant thrives better in full sunlight. At maturity, it grows to 15cm-30cm in height.

#3: Russian Sage

The Russian Sage is a tall flowering plant that grows up to 60-90cm in height. It thrives in both full and partial sunshine and produces violet-colored flowers. The flower is aromatic and, when bruised, produces a sweet-smelling lemony scent.

#4: Catmint

This is a favorite for many gardeners in Seattle. The plant can survive several harsh conditions ranging from drought to poor soil and pests. The Catmint love full sun, and at maturity, they grow up to 90-120cm

#5: Painted Daisies

The Painted Daisies plant bears breathtaking flowers, and they thrive in full or partial sunshine. The flowers can be as wide as 7cm with a large golden center that contrasts with the petals’ colors. Furthermore, they produce chemicals that repel insects, so having them in your garden helps prevent pest invasions. The Painted Daisies grow to 60-90cm at maturity.

Need more suggestions or help planting sun-loving plants in your Seattle garden? Contact us today at Levy’s Lawn & Landscaping!